What lights for a 90?


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I run a mixed zoas and SPS reef tank and I was just wondering what most of you with a similar setup are lighting your tank with. I currently have 2x150w MH's + actinics over the tank but I'm looking to upgrade it to a 250w. Should I maybe consider a 400w or would that be overkill for my current corals and wallet?
If it were me i would upgrade to the 250's . The 400's would be a bit excessive in my opinion. But if your getting good growth with your current setup why switch?
If it's a 24" deep 90 gallon, I wouldn't call 400 excessive, depending on what bulbs and what sps are kept.
Growth for the montiporas are good. I do have some acros that have turned brown while others are growing slowly. This may sound stupid but I'm looking to get a solution so my corals would glow like they have kryptonite in them. I'm not sure if this is achieved through upgrading the lights to more PAR or simply changing the spectrum closer to 20,000k.
The "glow" you see from photos on the net are usually from photoshop software editing and has little to do with natural colours. However using actinic bulbs [not powercompact] can produce the ultraviolet colour enhancement you are expecting. From my limited observations, the brown corals are showing a healthy colony of zooxanthella, but adding more light will reduce the need for the algae culture and they will thin out leading to a more transparent tissue. This appears either white [calcium skeleton] or with the actinics, subtle flourescence. 250W halides are good down to about 12"-16". Why not move something brown up to the water surface & see if it changes into what you want? If yes, then spend more money & upgrade. 20,000K will certainly look blue just like real depth in the ocean, but colours also disappear. If you have seen real life items you like ask the caretaker, most of us love to explain to an admirer.
kappaknight wrote: This may sound stupid but I'm looking to get a solution so my corals would glow like they have kryptonite in them. I'm not sure if this is achieved through upgrading the lights to more PAR or simply changing the spectrum closer to 20,000k.

1000w 20k lights will achieve this, but they're overkill. Like wildemon said, the glow is usually artificially added, though photoshop or camera settings.

My suggestion would be to find a store or someone's tank that has the effect that you want, and mimic their lights.
Hey Chris, I guess I have to come over at some point to check out your corals.