What not to do for ick!


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Johns Creek GA
Lesson learned here so I thought I would share. About 3 weeks ago, my Powder Brown Tang (PBT) developed ick. Nobody else in the tank had/has it. Something stressed him and I don't know what. Anyway.....I started treating with medicated foods (Metro & Focus) but I wasn't using the correct dosages.

Further investigation told me what I should dose so I fed medicated 2 - 3 times daily and he ate like a pig! The ick didn't diminish but it didn't get worse either. My UV had been offline during this period of time so I got it hooked back up and running slow....right at 300 gph. Still no real change. I did this for a period of 2 weeks. At the end of that two weeks, I noticed he would almost eat from my hand so I saw an opportunity to catch him and that was successful.

I began dipping him with Rid-ick. Twice a day for about 10-15 minutes. He was quarantined during the treatment period so it was easy to catch and dip him every other day. He tolerated this very well and ate as usual during the 2 weeks of dipping. The ick was almost completely gone. So as one last dip, I decided today to do a dip in Coppersafe. I dipped him for about 15-20 minutes with an airpump providing O2 to the dip container (the same process I used with the Rid-ick). At that end of that period, I returned him to his quarantine, with the hopes of returning him to the DT in the next week provided no signs of ick return. At first, he swam but didn't seem interested in anything. I normally fed him again upon return for the dip session. He didn't want food. Slowly he got lower and lower in the quarantine until finally he was at the bottom. Now it looks like he's dead.

The only thing that I can figure is that the Coppersafe did something to him. I read through the entire instructions multiple times and there is no mention of a time limit. I don't know what happened. I thought for sure that I had successfully treated this fish and would be able to return him to the DT but that's not going to happen. Lesson learned.....NEVER get a Powder Brown Tang!
Having owned a powder blue and a Sohal they both developed ick frequently when I had them .i fed them them food soaked in metro and focus and vitamins .it got rid of the white spots on them but the ick is still present in the water column even though there are no present symptoms.treated the powder blue with copper but I used a copper test kit to get the ppm correct.the tang almost died I got rid of him after keeping him for 7years. Tangs are my favorite fish but they are magnets for ick.no more for me.
So sorry to hear that Jeff. :-(

Powder Brown Tangs are one of my favorite fish. They are also one of the most ich prone.

For future reference, I believe (non scientific) that a fish that has been exposed to ich and survived is better equipped to endure it in the future. In my last tank I got in the habit of feeding a bit of medicated foods for a few days before adding a new fish. I believe it boosted the immune system a bit prior to the added stress of having a new tank mate added. The tangs would show a small amount of ich but fight it off within a couple of days.

Anyway, sorry for your loss.
Thanks guys. I'm just scratching my head on what was the actual cause. He was fine until the final dip in the Coppersafe. I'm hoping somebody with experience with copper chimes in. I dosed exactly as the instructions indicated. Does it go bad? It was unopened with no production nor expiration date on the bottle nor box.

While I hate losing anything, I hate it even more when I don't know why.
porpoiseaquatics;986440 wrote:

While I hate losing anything, I hate it even more when I don't know why.

That is the truth. Both fish I've lost, a 6-line wrasse and a tail spot blenny, disappeared without a trace. Swimming fine and eating one day and then nowhere to be found the next. And that was in a 29gal biocube.

Hope you're able to determine the cause.
RedStang;986442 wrote: That is the truth. Both fish I've lost, a 6-line wrasse and a tail spot blenny, disappeared without a trace. Swimming fine and eating one day and then nowhere to be found the next. And that was in a 29gal biocube.

Hope you're able to determine the cause.

Thanks Jason. I understand. I've lost a couple of wrasses and clownfish the same way. The clowns were in a 40g breeder with a bare bottom and only 4 or 5 small rocks. Not many places to hide. Looked all over the floor and nothing there either. I do have a large hermit in that tank so maybe he got to it overnight....who knows.
Bummer, Jeff :(

I was never a fan of that product - sounded more like an oxymoron to me.

In general, many tangs don't tolerate copper very well, maybe that was it.

I have cautiously used Cupramine with tangs, but as a systemic treatment, not a dip.

Funny thing, copper. It's a necessary trace element - necessary for life. Too much is toxic, and a therapeutic dose (in fishes) is just toxic enough to kill the parasites but hopefully not the patient.

Unfortunate loss, for sure.
