What should we name this beauty?


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Dacula, GA
I’ve always named all my pets, fish included but I’ve yet to name my 2 clowns I’ve had for over a year now and we just got this guy/girl on Sunday and I can’t think of a good name for it either. Give me some ideas for the three of them!
My clowns names are itchy and scratchy from the Simpsons.
This is funny. I had a little dog named Itchy. He was my heart and passed away almost 5 years ago. About a year before he died we got another little terrier mix we wanted to name Scratchy but then I realized Itchy wouldn’t be around that much longer so we named the other one Scrappy. He was a little older when we adopted him and now he’s getting up in age but thankfully seems quite healthy.
When my girl was little she once named a pair of clowns truck and horse

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That’s what we picked, fits them 😀
Got another diamond goby and it got named Like and the tang was named Skywalker (by my oldest son, the Star Wars fan)
That was supposed to be Luke, not like and Skywalker but Luke decided to jump out of the tank! They always seem to find a way! I don't think my lid has another space anything can get through after current modifications but we'll see!