What size acrylic needed?


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I am going to build myself a custom aquarium and i am unsure what size acrylic i need. I want the tank to end up somewere between 180 and 240 gallons. i am not sure what thickness acrylic to go with. Thanks for all the help in advanced.
My 190 is 5 feet long and 2.5 feet deep and 2 feet tall. The sides are 1/2 inch acrylic the bottom and top are 3/4 inch acrylic.

gixxer600;362460 wrote: I am going to build myself a custom aquarium and i am unsure what size acrylic i need. I want the tank to end up somewere between 180 and 240 gallons. i am not sure what thickness acrylic to go with. Thanks for all the help in advanced.

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I am going to have all the side, top and bottom cut by a professional and then i am going to attempt to construct myself. I have access to acrylic for pretty cheap so i am willing to take a chance. Once i get it put together i will water test everything in the garage before i bring it into the house but thanks for the concern.
With that thick of acrylic you will be better off with a polymer two part adhesive/cement.
I talked to the acrylic company the other day and for what it is going to cost to have them put it together vs my time and little know howe i might have them do it. for instance a buddy of mine is a home builder and had a 380 gallon custom tank made out of 1" acrylic for a home that he was building and the tank cost him $550 dollars put together and delivered. I have not priced alot of custom acrylic tanks but it seemed like a good price.
gixxer600;363133 wrote: a 380 gallon custom tank made out of 1" acrylic for a home that he was building and the tank cost him $550 dollars put together and delivered.

I'm not sure how someone can build a tank of any quality like that for that price. It actually kinda scares me a little bit.

Then again, the price of acrylic has gone up 110% in the past year.
I thought it sounded to good to be true myself so i saw the tank in person and it looked to be done very well. The company that did the work does not always build aquariums the majority of their work is other products but i guess it was good enough. the tank has been up and running for 1 year now. The one thing that this company does not do is drill the tank they leave that up to you but to me that is better any ways just incase any changes were overflows or drains need to be.