What size return pump do I need for a 65 gallon


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I need a return pump for my new set up. It'll be a 36" long 65 gallon tank with a small sump. My only other circulation will be a Tunze 6025 Moded for higher output (this seems subjective, as I've read that modding this pump can get you as much as 1200gph, but I'd count on more like 800gph after the mod).

From floor to the top of the standpipe is right at 5' (five foot).
An ARC member has given me a VERY generous offer of a Little Giant pump, but at 17 feet of head, I'm concerned that a stream of water will shoot out of my tank via the anti-syphon hole of my standpipe LOL! This model of the Little Giant pump pushes 1225gph at 3ft, and 1080gph at 6ft. Is this too powerful a pump?

If I were to go with a Mag, what size would be best?

Any other suggestions?
I say Mag7 would be more then enough, but MAG 5 would be better.
I had a MAG 9.5 for a retrun for my 75GL and 30GL sump when I fist start adding in my Sump, but later I turn it down to mag7.

I like a slower flow from the sump to the main tank so my skimmer can pickup more junk.
If you give the return a strong pump them your skimmer may not have enough time to catch up the junk in the water before it been puss right back into the main tank.
You could get away with a mag 9.5 as long as you split the return. I am not sure about the little giant??? Maybe you can use it and turn it down with a ball valve?
use the little giant with 3/4 inch pvc and put a scwd on it to alternate the current. JMO
I have a HOB that is rated at 600g/h and have a mag 9.5. I split the return to tank and fuge and still had to cut down the return quite a bit so that I would not overrun the skimmer. I thnk a smaller mag would be better like wolfie said not not overrun the skimmer. So with all of this said it depends on what your skimmer can handle.
good luck
I'm using the 9.5 I bought. I have had to slow it way down with a ball valve.

The mag 5 however would not return the water fast enough to keep the return from flooding over. This was before I redid my sump/fuge/return.

I would bet that the 5 or 7 would do the trick.
Post number 6 seems a little contradictory, or I'm reading it wrong. Will the Mag 5 work for my set up?

My fuge will have it's on slow flow pump. I have a built in skimmer in the sump, plus I have just enough room to hang my Aqua C Remora on the side of the sump for added skimming......
I have 600+ gallons an hour thru the overflow box. This flow comes down to a tee.

One pipe runs to the sump with a ball valve. The other to the fuge with a ball valve.

The fuge side is set to almost closed. The sump side is wide open and the skimmer feeds the return. The fuge also feeds the return.

With 600+ gallons the mag 5 didnt have enough cajones but the 9.5 is too big. With that being said...using 600 gallons plus the mag 5 would not keep up. But if the flow from my overflow were in (and im theorizing) the 400 - 500 range the mag 5 would have done it.

This is against a 5' head. I don't know if I saw how the water was exiting your display.
I run a mag 5 on my 20L, I'd be looking at LEAST at a mag 9, and probably a 12 if you can stand the extra heat.
OK, I have a single corner overflow on the 65g 36" long tank. From floor to pipe end is exactly 5 feet. I have a small acrylic sump that is about 10g.

A Mag 12?
Mag 5 will work well I have one on my 65 and the flow rate is good, Had 2 on it when I first set-up but it but they would drain my return area.
I have an Iwaki WMD40RLT on my 65 AGA with the stock overflow. It keeps about 3 inches of water in the overflow box without any throttling. I do have it running through a 25W UV on the return trip to add that perfect amount of head pressure. There are several good pumps out there but I have been using the same Iwakis for over 8 years without a hiccup and trust them completely. They are quite pricey but a return pump is way to important to try and skimp out on.

Dakota go to reef central and look at the head pressure calculator you can play with diff pumps and the amouth of plumbing and head pressure that should give you the best fit.
Can none members do that? I'm not a member there, and didn't know that such a calculator exsisted.....
Yep here is the link
on the main page of reef central on the left side about half way down there are quite a few calculators to use. You don't thimk I'm smart enough to figure this out do you. LOL