What Size Return Pump should I use?


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I have decided to set up a small 29 Gallon Reef in my Home Office with a 10 Gallon Sump underneath. My question is what size Return Pump should I use. I currently have a Mag 3 that's never been used but I'm just not sure it'll be enough. By the way if this helps any the return is t'd off and will come in on opposite sides of the tank at the rear. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
I think the mag 3 will do just fine..How many gph do yoU REALLY NEED ON A 29.
Ya that would work just remember to clean it every few months becuase the debris will clog it.
Right I wasn't planning on making this the primary means of flow through the tank. I really like the No Drill Closed loop that Melev did on his 29 Gallon so I may try that as well, but what size Pump should I use on that, would another Mag 3 work or is that to much?
I've got this Picture in my head of A 100% Xenia Forest with a Couple Clowns.
Flow is flow, I calculate my returns. On a larger tank it's more efficient to create flow with propeller type pumps but if they don't fit in your small tank you can get away with using your return. A lot of nano's are set up like that

I used a mag 12 and a scwd on a 22g sps tank with great results. The thing you need to worry about is micro bubbles if your using a sump thats too small to handle that kind of flow. I used a 36in MRC reef sump that held 30g of water connected to my 22g cube so I had no issues using a large return pump. Also I would use true union ball valves on that scwd to make it easy to take off and clean, they seem to get jammed up rather easy.

Of course if you have the money then I would get a nano stream 6055 and a single controller or wait for the new vortech mp20 to come out. Then you could use a very small return pump(100-200gph) and save some money on the power bill.
Thanks! I was actually thinking of using Koralia Nano's before I read the Melev 29 Closed loop system, but I think your right a couple of these would probably work great.
I have a Mag 12 on my 100 G - But
i have the Hoses stepped up to a reducer at the return - If the bar is not in place it will clar the gall of 2 inches of sand about a 1/4 length of the tank - so i know the flow rates there are good moving around approx 130 gal of water including what is in the sump .

At some point in time i was Given the number of flow rate being 10 x the tank size . And using power heads , wavemakers etc to frovide more flow for corals and other critters that enjoy a higher flow rate