What tank will fit?


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I am doing some remodeling at my house. I will have a spot I want to put a new tank. The wall I want to put it on will be 48". I really like a 75 gallon but by the time the width of the stand is added it will not fit. Looking for advice on a tank and stand that will fit or possible info on a custom tank. I want to good a big as possible.
Is there any way you can make the wall longer, say 54-60"?

If not, is there a corner on this wall? With a corner you're going to loose access to one side with an 48" tank, like a standard 75, 90 or 120. This will severely limit where you can put powerheads.

It's not possible to make the wall any longer. It's not going in a corner.
You could build a sleeker stand that doesn't have a lip that goes over the tank trim. Other options are a custom tank or anything 36", a 93g cube, 65g, 40g, etc.