What the h3ll?!?


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We're still pretty new to the hobby, but we're learning. Here's one I haven't seen before. This Helferichi first looked as if it had ich with white spots here and there on its body. It was still eating fine, but we moved it over to the QT. About three days in there, and it stopped eating and began the sidestroke. Today it died, and it looks like whit worms have eaten their way out of its stomach. What the h3ll are those, and should I be worried about the other fish that were in the tank with it? It was in about a week before it became a $100 worm meal. Any ideas?
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Should have QTed it to begin with. Parasites most likely. Could have made its way into your DT.
That is scary stuff! I have never seen that before. Sorry for your loss, I bet it was a beautiful fish. Keep a close eye on the rest of your fish!
It is too hard to see from that picture. Could be some sort of internal parasite but not likely. In the future, you could freeze the fish and bring it to one of us that do pathology stuff and we can slide it under a microscope or take a better look.

Long story short, yes it could spread to your DT since the fish was in there. I would watch closely.