What the heck is this thing??


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I found this thing crawling up the side of the glass on my 110g. It looks like a greenish black inch worm. It's smooth with two antenna or eye stalk looking things.
So I used a turkey baster and sucked it off the glass into a cup to take picks for you guys. Sorry the pics are really bad. I seriously need a new camera. But it may give you a general idea of what it looks like. So Anyway, because I couldn't get a good picture of it I thought I would take it out of the water for a second and try to get a pic of it on a white background. I poured the cup out onto a paper towel and it instantly turned into a pile of jelly. No form whatsoever. when I tried to move it it smeared and was flat. :yuk:I thought surely I had killed it. It was stuck to the towel so I dipped it in swished it back into a cup of water and it instantly pulled it's self back together and formed a worm again and is crawling around well and whole again.. what the heck is it? Good or bad?
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+1 for nudi from what I can see. Wouldn't do well and turn to goo when out of water. Maybe a protective coat to shield itself
I dunno about the protective coat. It had absolutely no form. It was just a smear on the paper. really gross looking. but is still crawling around in the cup. I'm not putting it back in unless I find out it's good..
Definitely don't put it back until you search and find out what it is.
If bad save it in a baby food jar of lysterine