What to do? Need opinions


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I have 4 tanks 2 SW and 2 FW. The 2 FW tanks are both 30g tanks one holds a mated paid of Black Convict cichlids (1 pink/ 1 black) and 3 of their fry. The other tank holds Lamprologus Stappersii (african shell dwellers). The SW bug has taken me over and I honestly have no interest in FW anymore go figure. I need to find good homes for them or sell them to a LFS as i did with my JD and my Pleco because they became to big for my tank. I recently setup a 12g nano about 2 months ago or so right now I have removed all corals i had in their and put them in my other SW tank so right now I have about 3" of LS and about 30lbs of LR in my 12g overkill I know but I traded for some LR tonight because I plan to move all of this to one of the 30g tanks after i get all of the fish out. My questions are....

If I convert my 30g to SW setup can I use my 12g eclipse as a sump and what would that entail as far as setup is concerned. I have no pumps or tubing or PVC for a sump.....etc....

Second question my clean up crew is still with the LR in the tank I dont see it being a problem but there will be a small cycle because i put new LR in the tank today. Will that affect my clean up crew?

Lamprologus stappersii are somewhat of a rare fish and I actually couldnt even locate them in GA for sale. So I had them shipped for $13 a piece is trying to sell it back to a store for $10 ok? They retail for atleast $20 at LFS if you can find them.

Does anybody have an interest in these freshwater fish on this forum?

Thanks for reading through this any suggestions on the FW fish and the new tank would be really appreciatted.
If you would like to donate them I maintain a FW aquarium at Hubbard Elem. school in Forsyth GA. I donated a 16 in Pleco and some Cory Cats. I need a few fish to put in it. I'm retired on a fixed income so I really can't afford to pay, but I will pick them up. I do pay for chemicals, filters, etc. My wife teaches special ed. there and the kids are excited about the tank. Jeff
you can have the convicts if the tank mates in that tank will be able to handle them the Lamprologus I would be willing to sell...they are super aggressive when breeding and they are prolific breeders amazingly beautiful fish imo just need to have the right enviroment. Jeff what size tank they need to be in a 30g minimum but if you have a 16" pleco in there my bet is the tank is large enough. The great thing about them is how hardy they are those fish can live through anything although there conditions here are good. theplatypus i will send you a PM
It's a 55 gal I've had the Pleco since it was 2 inches long. She's pretty old, but seems to like all the children watching her.
if you want them they are yours and if you can pick up this weekend even better. here are pictures of the fish.
Mom and Dad
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Dad alone he is about 5"
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Here are some pictures of what a stapp looks like I dont have any with me right now to post but they look just like this.