What to do with a Mantis


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I received a hitchhiker mantis shrimp on some rock that I had ordered from gulf live rock and I don't know what to do with him. He has killed my entire clean up crew and I think he needs to go. I think he is a smasher and he is about 1.5"-2" long and purple in color. What would you guys do with him?
I'd sell him or put him in the sump if you have one. You do want to be careful though because it's not unheard of for smashes to break the glass (unlikely). If he is a smasher, you should be able to hear his attack. It would sound like a clicking noise.
My girlfriend loves my mantis , she has a reef set up for one that all the other critters have been removed from and she's been watching for one lately and would probably take it , if u can easily let locate his rock hes hiding in.
If its only 1.5" its physically impossible to break glass at that size glass busters are all big boy's but I'd still use caution he will lay a finger tip open really fast
Tbub1221;1018752 wrote: My girlfriend loves my mantis , she has a reef set up for one that all the other critters have been removed from and she's been watching for one lately and would probably take it , if u can easily let locate his rock hes hiding in.
If its only 1.5" its physically impossible to break glass at that size glass busters are all big boy's but I'd still use caution he will lay a finger tip open really fast

I figured it probably wasn't an issue, but wanted to cover my bases. I've seen some crazy stuff on YouTube haha.
I would be willing to get rid of him if somebody would like to do a trade. I here him click all the time Soni guess he is definantly a smasher. My daughter lives to watch him come out and attack his food. I would put him in the sump of I had one but this is a small 10 gallon with no sump.
Believe it or not all that clicking they do at night is him probably busting rock making himself a cave , yes the little quarry men they bust/dig holes in the rocks with there clubs.
I sent my girlfriend a message she's off work soon if she's interested we can go from there but she literally has been watching and waiting for one to become available a little wile , do you have something in mind you want or need
I have tried taking him in to a LFS but they don't seem to want him . I have someone interested in the mantis now but if it falls thru I will let you know mystery