What use for a 10g in a large system?


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I'm starting to lay out my new tank. It will be a 180g upstairs, with a 140g sump and all supporting equipment in the basement underneath.

I have plenty of room, and besides the main tank/sump I have the following, along with my planned uses:

22.5 gallon- refugium (LR rubble and chaeto, goal is a big pod population)

22.5 gallon- deep sand bed

29 gallon- quarantine tank... this will be plumbed into the main system to keep it cycled and ready. When a new fish is placed in QT it will be isolated from the system via ball valves, and have a HOB filter added. If the fish passes QT with no issues, it will be restored to circulation with the main system when the fish goes in the DT. If the fish has an illness and requires treatment, the tank will be cleaned and disinfected before being reconnected.

That leaves me a 10g tank with no job... any suggestions on what I could do with it that would benefit the system?
Set it up for a breeding pair of something for easy egg collection for the club's breeders.