what ,when ,how?


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what do you guys feed your bubble tip anemones,when do you feed them and how would you go about doing so ? thanks all in advance
sorry if i am boring you all with a million ?about them i did do a bunch of reseaarch about them but i feel that the advise that i have always gotten from this club has worked best
Whenever the heck you want! I recomend a little mysis a few times a week, but my last girlfriend was known to feed my 8" GBTA 8 peices of krill at a time. Steve Shindell's big sebae and big carpet each get one whole(3" or so) twice a week.

Just keep in mind whatever they don't digest during the day they will typically spit out at night. Don't force it into their mouth, just gently put it near their mouth on the tentacles.
is it true that it can go with out eating .and he is in a spot in my tank that would get the leasete amount of light will he be fine there or will he go were he is most comfortablei know they arent light hungry like others but i know they still need it im asking cause i want to give it the best possible home....and will he eventualy get a darker red than he is he is more around a dark pink now that he is fully open not as red as when he is closed
Victor, I never feed mine, and it doesn't roam and it doesn't grow very fast (which is how I like it.) I stays inflated all the time, too. But because it is growing slightly, I would say yes, BTAs can survive without direct feedings. It's probably best to only attempt it in a very well established tank, though.