What would cause a clam to close up?


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I bought this clam from Jeff.Mcphill about 3 weeks ago, and it has been great. Last night, about an hour before the my lights went to actinics only it randomly closed up. Before it closed it looked like it was pumping out water every 15 seconds or so. I checked for pyrimid snails and didn't find any. The only thing that seemed odd is the base looked like it had some stringy white stuff coming off the bottom if it. It didn't look abnormal to me, but I am no clam specialist.

Here it is the day I got it home. Notice the cyano...
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And this morining. Notice the smaller amount of cyano...It's been a battle and I am finally winning!
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The day I got it I tried to put it up higher in the tank because I know they love light, but it just kept "jumping" of the rock after a few minutes, so I decided to let it sit on the sand bed. It shows no signs of brissel worms eating at it either.

Params this morning.
Sal 1.026
Alk 10
Cal 430ppm
Ph 8.1ish...lights just came on
no nitrite, nitrate, or ammonia
I didnt test mag yet, but I checked it 2 days ago, and it was at 1230, I have been slowly rising up mag from 1120 for 3 weeks now, and I am almost to my goal.

The only thing I did yesterday was use some aquarium epoxy (bought from marine depot) to mount some frags. But it closed up hours after the eposy was it there, and all other corals and my one SPS are doing fine.

Sorry for the overload of info, but I believe in covering all grounds.
I'm confused. If it looks like picture number 2, that's not closed. that looks healthy. Is it closed like shut? or like pic number 2?
It is just not as open as it normally is. Yes it looks like pic#2.

I cannot remember which kind it is. I bought so much stuff from jeff that day I forgot most of the names.

I'll take a pic of the bottom of it...
Ok just took some pics.

You can see there is new growth.
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And here is the bottom
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Maybe I am over reacting, but it just isn't as open as it has been fro the 3 weeks I have had it, and the woman loves it, so if it dies I have to buy another one, and I don't want to do that:yuk: Just more money!
it's not supposed to be out of water. place it on a flat rock, and let it attach. the first picture it looks like it's gaping (not good). all the other pics, it looks fine. can't tell for sure though. They don't like to be handled.
Ok first of all the "stringy" stuff coming from the bottom is it byssal threads, all clams have those. It's what the clam uses to attach itself to a rock. That clam is a crocea, does best on rock not in sandbed and needs a lot of light! They are one of the most light needy of all clams. Your cyano battle is not won if you're looking at it in the morning, I guarantee it'll look the same right before your lights go out again tonight. Cyano depends on high nutrients and light to grow....no light, you'll see it recede, but it'll be back once the lights come on unless you do something to export more nutrients or have less go in the tank. The clam seems to be in good health, just make sure your water parms stay on target. The clam could be closing over a little due to improper acclimation to your water or to the new light. If the clam is jumping, it doesn't like where it's at. If you're going to keep it on the sand bed, I'd suggest getting a flat rock and putting the clam on it then lay tte set on the sand. If you can help it, get a rock thats a smooth as possible, the under side of clams are very sensitive. An empty clam shell would be best, but sometimes people dont have access to these...perhaps call your LFS and see if they have 1 for you.
I have not taken the clam out of the water at all. I don't know what everyone is freaking out about... I took those pics in the tank.

Who said I didn't acclimate it properly? I am confused...

I never said I won my battle with cyano, I said I was winning, aka it is finally starting to recede. I don't see too much anymore.

That epoxy I bought said you can make bases for clams. I guess I could do that. I don't have any small flat rocks laying around.

As far as light, I have a stock current nova extreme pro t5 fixture. Should be enough on my tank right? I assumed it was, but you know what that means...

Ok, it is looking much better now. I was probably overeacting or something. But I will get a base for it. Took this pic 5 minuted ago. Thanks for everyones help and concern!
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Well I made a base for it yesterday. Nice a flat. Put the clam on top of it so it was in a nice secure spot, and this morning it is on it's side. :doh: What am I doing wrong. The only time this thing is happy is directly on the sand bed, and aparently that should not be the case.

Would a rather large shell upside down be a better option than a homemade base? I have one, but it is in my Mantis tank, and it is always fun gowing in there:thumbs: ...