What would kill this?

linda lee

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Yesterday, my plate coral was fine. Today it shrunken and hardened. What would be the culprit?

This was one of my favorite things.


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How do you know it's dead?

If it were dead would it still have color?

If it is dead best it's yanked outta the tank quick!

Post an updated pic for them to see.
Seedless Reefer;72215 wrote: How do you know it's dead?

If it were dead would it still have color?

If it is dead best it's yanked outta the tank quick!

Post an updated pic for them to see.

Water params are fine... (PH might be just slightly high, but not dangerously so). Everything else in the tank looks fine. Due for a water change tomorrow.

I'm sure it's dead. It's the size of a button.

Hate it when stuff dies. This just sucks.


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Linda, that doesn't look dead to me at all. Plates are one of the hardiest LPS, and can take some serious abuse. Move it down to your sanbed or give it a little shade and wait. It'll come back out. As long as you don't see actual tissue peeling off the skeleton, it's probably just fine. From the picture, it just looks retracted. It can do that for weeks and they open back up and be fine. I had a baby plate that got pulled under a rock and burried for two weeks by my brittle star. I dug it up a few weeks ago and it looked just like that, but it's fine now. Same as it ever was.
Agree with Jesse! They are tough little suckers. Just move it lower and make sure you place it on the sandbed.
Yes linda do not throw it away my frogspawn did the same thing my mom told me to throw it away and she would buy me a new one but i said no and it stayed like taht for about 2 weeks and after that it opened and grew new braches...
Thanks, everyone!!! I feel much better now.

Power was off for a couple hours here due to the storm and when the lights came back on, the plate had extended a tiny bit, so I guess it will be okay.

Oh well.... over-reacted, but I had never seen it retract so completely like that. Wonder what would make it do that?

How do I detach it from the rock to put it into the sandbed?
Still need to know how to remove this from the rock. (It was that way when we got it). If anyone has any links for plates, please share!

(Melissa? If you happen to read this, please advise. I know you're the Plate Coral Queen!!!)

LInda if it came attached to the rock I'd leave it. just bury as much of the rock as you can into the sand bed. When I had one it had a small rock base that came to a point at the bottom. I did what I'm telling you to do. It was in my tank for over a year until we decided to move down here and I sold/gave away most of my stuff.

Hey, Linda - looks ok to me, too. I still have some plates set aside for you. They keep getting moved around by my clam.

You could get it off that rock by chipping a clump of the rock off near the base of the coral. Then you could put it on the sand.

Feed it a mysis shrimp or piece of meaty material when it starts turning around. They LOVE food.