What would you desire most from a local aquarium manufacturer?


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First off, this is not a statement of intent, only research for an undergraduate business course.

I was hoping to get the perspective from 25-30 individuals (but more are welcome;) here on ARC about what they think would be the most valuable product that "another" local aquarium manufacturer could provide to you as consumers and discerning hobbyists. Being that there are already one or two local shops specializing in high-end completely custom tanks, this will not be an "option".

The two options available to consider would be:

1.) A low-cost, high-volume manufacturer that produces unique, but standardized aquariums and accessories (i.e. Similar to glass cages, but a bit better quality). No custom work, but would produce a decent variety of tanks out of both standard and starphire glass and you would be able to pickup your tank locally. The company will specialize in rimless tanks only. Coordinating stands and sumps would be available, but again, no custom jobs. Tank only prices would start in the $200 range, up to $2000. Tank sizes would range from 20 gallons all the way up to 200 gallons. All tanks would come with a 1-year tank replacement warranty. Company would provide good customer service, and orders could be fulfilled immediately.

2.) A mid-range, quality manufacturer that offers both custom and standard size tanks in a variety of materials and designs (i.e. Between DSA/DeepBlue and Reefsavvy/MRC). You would be able to pickup your tank locally, or have it delivered to your house. You could have your choice of overflow design (i.e. Beananimal, Herbie, or Standard Durso). Coordinating stands (made of either steel, aluminum, or wood) and sumps would be available. Custom stands and sumps can be made to order in just a few different, but popular designs. Tank only prices would start in the $300 range, up to $7500. Tank sizes would range from 20 gallons all the way up to 1000 gallons. The tanks would come with a warranty of 5-10 years, depending on the stand and construction materials used. Standard sized tanks would be available for purchase at all times. Custom tanks would have a turn-around of approximately 4-6 weeks, allowing enough time for the tank to cure and be tested properly.

If there is anything that you think should be added/modified for either option, please feel free to post in your response. This should be a fun topic, but please <u>no bickering</u>. I would like to keep the conversation moving forward in a positive and meaningful way.

Moderators, please let me know if this is inappropriate or if this needs to be posted in another thread.

2) and size, starfire, type (euro), overflow (coast to coast external), etc are all important to me....

that's why my tank is being built "as we speak"!
Option one makes me think Petco and that is already covered mostly. I'd go with option two given more options are available. This is based on the belief and assumption that a discerning reef hobbyist has learned a couple things. One, they have a more complete picture of what they want out of a tank and what specifics they want in a tank. Two, they realize that relative other equipment and livestock, tanks are cheap. They are willing to spend a little more to get what they want.
Got to agree. Option 2 would be my preference. I think it would also be the one with the highest chance of success. Like Ralph said, coast to coast external would be my choice if I were to purchase custom built.
Option 1) appeals to me. I'm not likely to buy a very expensive tank, but I would be a customer of a company that produced lower cost tanks. I'm surprised that 30 breeders and other shallow tanks are not more readily available to the hobbyist. Knock out all the 12" wide sizes and specialize in standardizing the more shallow smaller sizes and the typical reef tank sizes (65, 75, 90, 120, 150, etc)
I say both. A well-rounded business will profit more. A manufacturer who can offer stock tanks as well as custom designs will go further. Also, the time span makes a difference as there are some who want a quick tank and there are some who don't mind waiting. I think the professional craftsmanship will take affect on the mass produced tanks. So customers will be able to have top quality produced with little to no wait time. The cost from $200-$7500 will control the market.
Option 1 comes with great customer service but option 2 doesn't. So mix them for great a business.
A few missing factors before I would make a decision. One, you made no mention whether these are all reef ready, not reef ready or can be ordered either way. The second is you mention customer service on company 1 but no mention of customer service on company 2. Third would be associated with number 1 above....if not reef ready would the glass be tempered so that I couldn't drill it to my configuration.

Based on the above, I couldn't pick either company without further information. Certainly Company #2 is a leading candidate just from the "custom" perspective but if Company #1 offered some of the items that I mention above and Company #2 has shoddy customer service then I may opt for Company 1 and customize it myself.
i'd say option 2..but from a pricing stand point of a 20gal for 300 pretty much puts it in the Reef Saavy/MRC price range so I would have to unfortunately go with number 1..i also think Porpoise made some very good points as well..i could go with a cheaper one and customize it myself and save hundreds..
porpoiseaquatics;986840 wrote: A few missing factors before I would make a decision. One, you made no mention whether these are all reef ready, not reef ready or can be ordered either way. The second is you mention customer service on company 1 but no mention of customer service on company 2. Third would be associated with number 1 above....if not reef ready would the glass be tempered so that I couldn't drill it to my configuration.

Based on the above, I couldn't pick either company without further information. Certainly Company #2 is a leading candidate just from the "custom" perspective but if Company #1 offered some of the items that I mention above and Company #2 has shoddy customer service then I may opt for Company 1 and customize it myself.

Thanks Jeff, for pointing the above items out. Here are my answers to your questions.

1. "You made no mention whether these are all reef ready, not reef ready or can be ordered either way."

Tanks from both manufacturers can be either reef ready or not, with the second manufacturer offering options beyond standard durso.

2. "You mention customer service on company 1 but no mention of customer service on company 2."

That was a mishap on my part, I meant to put in the thread that the second company would also provide good customer service but would also provide support beyond what company 1 would, as their prices would allow them to provide more service options.

3. "If not reef ready would the glass be tempered so that I couldn't drill it to my configuration?"

The tanks will come reef ready or not from company 1, but most likely all but bottom pane will be tempered to reduce costs due to the ability to use thinner glass. For option 2, non-reef ready tanks could be provided as non-tempered all the way around.