What would you do?

If you had a free $500 for coral, what would you do?

  • One big expensive center piece

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • A couple higher end pieces

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Fully stock the tank with more common corals

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


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Hey everyone!

Recently Reefchasers had a live auction on Reef2Reef. After getting a few things from the live auction, I ended up winning their top prize of a $500 coral shopping spree!

My question is, what would you buy? What would you get? I have a 25 peninsula that will only have a few frags in it before this, so Im not sure if I should go small pieces, with lots of different types of coral, or should I get the HG torches or hammers that I would never buy myself due to their high prices. I know, its not truly a dilemma, just wondering what others would do. Stock my tank completely and never need to spend more money on it? Or go all out on a few prized pieces and enjoy the rarity of them.

Thanks for your input!
It really depends on how far along in the hobby you are...
If you're a seasoned vet - I would say go higher end
If you're somewhat of a newbie - I would just hold on to the $500 until you learn a bit (unless there is an expiration date). If that isn't an option - I would be a little of everything and keep my fingers crossed.
I agree with Rain's none of the above vote.

How old is the tank?
I’ve had tanks off and on over the past 10 years, but a lot changes in just a few years being out of the hobby.

The current tank is a few weeks old. I’m not looking for acros or anything crazy on the front of ability to keep. Just wondering peoples thoughts on their personal choice of a full tank, or a few show pieces.

Nothing would be added for the next month or so regardless, but it’s just a thought of trying to get a rough guide of stocking direction.
I don’t know how to edit a post on my phone, but to add, the tank was set up live sand, live rock, and the same water the rock was in as well. So no major cycling or anything for the tank itself. The rock was cured prior so no new tank syndrome
A tank a few weeks old hasn't had the chance to get to the ugly stage yet...

I would stick with hardier corals and be between a couple show pieces and full of coral. Maybe get one piece you like in the $100-150 range and several in the sub $100 price range.
In the mean time you can put in the pieces you won in the auction and see how they fare.
One thing Ive learned is dont bother with "common" or "cheap" corals. Eventually they just take up space you want for something nicer.

Get nice stuff, just get easy nice stuff if the tank is still that new. Or hold it for 3 more months and go nuts.
I answered the question as what would I buy, not what i would recommend you to get. I would get 1 big coral... but i have a large established tank. However, you shouldnt put all your eggs into 1 basket. If you buy a large $500 coral and it died, then you would have lost it all.

Based on reading this thread, i agree with all the above and would be conservative. Especially with a small tank, peninsula (which loses heat fast on all sides), only a few weeks old, and with the off-and-on experience... Id strongly recommend waiting a month or two and then start the ball rolling slowly.

I would edit @enderg60 comment, for myself, to "Dont get cheap corals for the sake of being common/cheap. More so, dont get expensive corals for the sake of being expensive/rare. Get corals that bring you joy, regardless of their price. This way, you wont regret wasting money, small or large. " but yes, unwanted corals will take up space, lots of space. Space is the hardest thing to upgrade... another reason to be choosy, patient, and go slowly.
I answered the question as what would I buy, not what i would recommend you to get. I would get 1 big coral... but i have a large established tank. However, you shouldnt put all your eggs into 1 basket. If you buy a large $500 coral and it died, then you would have lost it all.

Based on reading this thread, i agree with all the above and would be conservative. Especially with a small tank, peninsula (which loses heat fast on all sides), only a few weeks old, and with the off-and-on experience... Id strongly recommend waiting a month or two and then start the ball rolling slowly.

I would edit @enderg60 comment, for myself, to "Dont get cheap corals for the sake of being common/cheap. More so, dont get expensive corals for the sake of being expensive/rare. Get corals that bring you joy, regardless of their price. This way, you wont regret wasting money, small or large. " but yes, unwanted corals will take up space, lots of space. Space is the hardest thing to upgrade... another reason to be choosy, patient, and go slowly.
Yeah, Ill probably make a trip to the store to look at everything in person, so that will probably take a few months to orchestrate since id like to do other things in Chattanooga while im there. I would probably just look for some decently priced and nice looking Torches over everything else, but was just wondering other peoples mindsets on tank stocking.

I didnt think too much about the tank space overall, which is why Im glad I posed this question because it reminded me the importance of space again.
Assuming they let you use it over time, I would just use it as your coral budget for the next year, and buy what you ordinarily would. I am *very* cautious economically!