I finally got my 125g up and running!:yay: I have several large fish to put in from 3 different tanks, They are: French Angel, Foxface, Regal Tang, Purple Tang, 3 Engineer Gobies. What wrasses have you keep or seen with large angels or tangs. The Angel is in with 3 wrasses, Leopard, Green Pastel and Yellow Coris, I do not want to move these guys. I would also like to have a pair of GSM(lg already paired up/not for breeding). Has anyone had an GBTA in a tank with a large angel? I have had Frenchie for almost 2 years and he has not eaten any of my corals(that I know of), he eats 3-5 times a day, so I don't let him get hungry! I will be putting large leathers and acros in the tank, some palys, no LPS. I would like some larger(5-7")colorful wrasses that can take care of themselves with the semi aggressive fish. I don't want to cause anymore aggression then needed but I want a tank with lots of color and movement. Thank you for any info! Holley