What's eating my Nass snails?


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Every month or so I go and buy about 10 Nass snails to keep my substrate clean. But after a week or so I just find a whole bunch of empty snails. The substrate has plenty of food I guess, and I have a small handfull of blue-legged hermits which I bought specifically since they are less aggressive than most. I got a couple of turbo's and a sand sifting star fish. I just have no clue what keeps killing my nass's. Any help would be appreciated.
Hermits probably, but if not how are you acclimating them? They are pretty sensitive.
You don't have a conch in there do you?
I'm really starting to dislike hermits for this reason. I don't have any in my 300 and 150 because of all the astreas they killed. I have them in my 60, but only with huge mexican turbos.
I was under the impression, that the blue were more aggressive than the red...
I personally like the black and white leg, but we found some white and purple ones at creation that won't even go after pellets.
You wouldn't happen to have a pistol shrimp would you? I have not seen mine but a friend has witnessed his eating n. snails. I have a pistol and cannot seem to keep any n. snails.
IME my red leg hermits are the villians in killing my smaller snalls for their shells
what size tank do you have. if it is not well established sand bed then they are starving to death. way to many cleaners if its a small tank -55