whats the best acro dip


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so I've noticed on one of my acros there are lil round areas of the flash that are no longer, its obviously some kind of parasite. Does anyone know what this might be from and what the best dip or method to treat would be?

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hmmm, I think it might be acropora eating flatworms. Where does one find Lugol's Solution?
from his site about getting these things off your corals:

"Just before MACNA during the month of September, I treated the coral with Fluke tabs instead of Betadine. The product works at getting the AEFW to let go, which I turkey basted off the coral in the treatment tank. I used two tablets in two gallons of water, and put a powerhead in the solution to keep the product in suspension. It looks like snow in the medicated water, and will settle on the coral. This caused no harm at all. After about 20 minutes in this solution, I blew off the coral again, took it out of the treatment tank and dumped out the water. This was replaced with tank water, and the coral was put in that for another 20 minute bath to remove any toxins and to observe for any stragglers. "
Good question on the fluke tabs and a good point to bring up about dipping acros. You can probably email Marc and see if he'll have a good idea on where to get the tabs. I have Jenn at Imagine Ocean on my IM. I'll ask her and see if she knows or has some as well.

I talked to Jenn at Imagine Ocean and she carries Fluke Tabs. This is from the packaging:

Fluke Tabs are highly effective treatment against the most stubborn fluke parasites and fish lice. They are also effective against body and gill flukes, Capillaria, and other Trematodes. Fluke Tabs will not interrupt nitrifcation. Ideal freshwater and marine aquariums. 10-tablet pack treats 100 gallons

She doesn't have any in stock at the moment, but if you want some, let her know. She said they run about $5 for a pack of 10.

Hope that helps Lee,

Ahh, sorry, Lee. Its up in my neck of the woods in Canton. You should probably try a LFS closer to you or you might be able to try online as well.

heh, thats ok man I do appreciate you looking for me tho. I called FS&M and they dont have it, I guess I'll just get it off line.
According to the guy doing the presentation at our last ARC meeting (and several other people I have spoken to) Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Cure is supposed to be one of the best things to use as a treatment and as a dip.

You can get it from premiumaquatics.com
thanks for that cameron, I emailed marc to see what he would reccommend for the best course of action; hopefully he gets back to me soon.
and so does the SPS, lol. I thought about that but still hesitant, I'll leave that as my last option.
When Ive done it, it has been brief ( about 10 seconds), but you can see all the microolife just fall off. But surely, done with caution (and risk).