Whats the best Live Sand?


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Just wondering what everyone thought was the best live sand to buy?
I live Arag-Alive, I don't really care that it is alive I just like the stuff they have like the Fiji pink and special grade reef sand.
i buy aragalive cuz i hate hate hate washing dry sand. There have been independant studies in a lab for arag alive and although its not "live" like live rock, it does have a lot of bacteria, live bacteria too. they did cultures and everything. I really wish my store would "make" some live sand for sale. i mean like real live sand. our frag tanks are so stuffed with pods and microlife itd be perfect seed sand. hmmm maybe ill see if i cant convince josh to give me a scoop

the best live sand is out of any established system. those things you buy at the store spike your nitrate if your system is already established.
Get dead sand. Don't bother washing it, all the different sized particles are good. And seed it with sand from other people's tanks. I'll donate a scoop if you want. I have tons of life in mine :)

Nishant, if you see a guy taking a quick scoop from the display tank...it wasn't me; those were some other kids! :D