What's the best way to acclimate an acro?


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When a piece is snipped off the colony, do you let it sit idle for a few days before you glue it or should you glue it asap? I've been experiencing about a 50% hit or miss when getting new acros. There's gotta be better ways.
I have had great success with SPS by simply floating the bag for about 10-15 minutes, dumping it into a container with Pro Coral Cure for another 15-20 minutes and then rinsing in a seperate container containing water scooped from my tank. I then glue it or drop it straight into the tank.
Let it sit for a few days- gluing it right away seems to slow the process a good bit, IMO.
Agree on waiting.... generally the frags are fairly stressed out by being broken. A few days or up to a week gives it time to recover and stabilize some.
I haven't noticed a difference personally. Not sure why there would be one either. I can say laying the coral so it gets the most sun is probably the best thing you can do as well as acclimating it to your lights and flow.
Hrmm, I guess I will wait some more in the future. It's just so easy with zoas... (knock on wood)
I've got zoas that I'd love to frag for people... I'm just scared to cut them and die a horrible death when the poison squirts onto my shirt and melts right through my body.
FutureInterest;47568 wrote: I've got zoas that I'd love to frag for people... I'm just scared to cut them and die a horrible death when the poison squirts onto my shirt and melts right through my body.

I'll cut it for you and take them home for my tank! ;) Would you really trust me with a razor in your tank?!?
FutureInterest;47568 wrote: I've got zoas that I'd love to frag for people... I'm just scared to cut them and die a horrible death when the poison squirts onto my shirt and melts right through my body.

I detect one too many re-runs of Aliens vs. Predator... :roll:
Xyzpdq0121;47571 wrote: I'll cut it for you and take them home for my tank! ;) Would you really trust me with a razor in your tank?!?
I think I might rather have the melting poison death...
Seriously though, I'd like to watch you frag zoas sometime. My wife and I are scared of our own lil polyps... After reading those palytoxin threads she won't help me clean the glass anymore :p. She's such a clean freak she used to clean my tank for me :(.
I will show you anytime you want. It is really not that hard and nothing to be afraid of. Heck a good blade, some super glue and a pair of latex gloves ($7 for a box from Cameron) is all you really need. On a side note: I have still never figured out why Cameron has 100 boxes of latex gloves in his garage!!!
It's not that I haven't been fragging them... it's just that their poisonous nature makes me respect them enough that I frag them without a blade. I've been fragging them using a rubber band... I tightly tie a rubber band around the rock they're on isolating a small section. Eventually it becomes a seperate colony and then I peel it off. I would however like to see it done properly.
Fragging zoa is not very hard. Get a good razor, gloves is you want, and slice the bottom part out. As long as you don't touch the polyp head the zoa will live. Super glue the base to the rock and you're done. I did it the first time a few days ago to give away some for free and it's pretty easy. Just wash your hands afterwards if you didn't use glove tho.

Once i glued the thing upside down, the polyp face on the rock as a$$ in the air, but it somehow grew a polp at the other end... lol... if humans did that it would have been anal cancer.
as far as zoas/palys you dont want to cut the tissue itself... just cut the surface of the rock; It will scrape off easily with a sharp razor and it gives you a surface that will accept glue.