whats the Cheapest LFS to buy salt

If you have a petsmart nearby do an online price match for the bucket of Instant Ocean.....

thats what I use.
yeah.....just take the print out to the store.....it's awesome...saves a on of cash....when I set up my FW 135 I saved close to $350 bucks.

For salt it's great!
thats a good question but i doubt it....I think they only match their own online prices but they do match local store prices....i.e. - they'll match the local Pet Supermarket or news paper ad.

but hey, its worth a shot.
Poseidon Reef is having a great sale on buckets of Kent Salt. I cannot remember the price but they are saying "that it is below their cost". Click over to the sponsers page and look at their recent post. Cant beat that deal for a bucket or two of salt. :)
Actually, I believe Petsmart will match any price to any online retailer. I'm pretty sure you could print out the price from Dr. Fosters and be able to get it at that price from Petsmart.
pnguye3;45175 wrote: Actually, I believe Petsmart will match any price to any online retailer. I'm pretty sure you could print out the price from Dr. Fosters and be able to get it at that price from Petsmart.

No they will not ... I have tried. They will tell you that you have to ship it etc. so the price is actually more.
They will match their own online price and you can pick it up all you have to do is print the webpage and bring it in with you and they will match it.
Hey 15 bucks for a 25lb oceanic jug (container it comes in) plus i get my 20% off for working at petco
Petsmart in Douglasville will price match Dr Foster and Marine Depot. I do it all the time with no questions asked. I just did it afewdays ago with a Python, its amazing to me that the price was $50 in store and I got it for $25 with the price match. Talk about markup!!!
Fishy Business was having a sale on buckets last weekend. Looks like he had plenty left,.. you should shoot him an email or give him a call.
kappaknight;45222 wrote: Why not just buy online from Dr. F and get it shipped to your door for cheap?

<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: #000080;">Lots of people run into the situation where they just have to have something immediately. Like salt, Calcium, other additives, pump, etc. That is why they are looking for the "Cheapest LFS that carries XXX ". When I set up my tank I placed a big order for buckets of salt from DrF&S. You can say that the UPS man was less than pleased because my driveway is very steep and he had to set all 6 of them on the top of it next to my door. :) </span></span>
Your driveway is insane. It's so steep it should be given a name... Something like "widowmaker" or "mount roswell"...
ouling;45305 wrote: Why not? Because I need to do a 80% water change right now.
Reefcast brought this up in a recent show as an area where many people are deficient in their disaster recovery plan. While most don't have an 80% water change worth of RO water lying around, let alone mixed, many people barely have more than the current bucket of salt.

A palette of salt might be a bit much for most, but if price is a concern, I'd think that a decent plan might be the following:

gpd capacty of your RO x number of days to get more salt at a decent price = minimum on-hand capacity.

Obviously, tempering this by your tank size is wise as well. If you've got a 50 gallon setup and a 50gpd RO unit, you probably don't need to make 250g of water in 5 days, but for those with larger displays, being able to max out your water production might be a good idea to have in reserve. Then again, that's less than 2 buckets of salt which is quite reasonable to have on hand.

80% water change emergencies are rare (I hope), but the cost of maintaining a deep bench (to borrow a sports term) for your salt is minuscule compared to what you can lose.
well i've done a 50% water change the day before this one, and two 33% in the last 2-3 weeks, this used up a whole bucket and a half of salt. I have 90 gallons of RO/DI on hand at all time.
Ive got salt....whatcha need? I've also got tons of RO Water on hand all the time if anyone ever needs it for an emergency most stores carry it....good to know just in case if you don't have room at your place for a huge water change.