whats up with my pink tip


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My pink tip anem is normally fully inflated and reaching a good 8-10 inches across

But for last 3 days it has looked like this or even flatter, most of the tentacles are more like thin cotton strands, it is not eating and has not moved

It has color and moves if touched

But I am also finding parts of its pink tentacles on rocks

Anybody know what is going on, should I be concerned or be doing anything

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My Pink Tip Haitian does the same thing with the exception of losing tentacles. Mine usually happens every night around when the lights turn down. The duration of mine is usually through the night at most though. Watch it for sure, are you able to relocate the rock?
it is still flat as a pancake, more pink ends on rocks.

I am used to it deflating at night, but this is flat and spread wide with no movement, now 4 days

It has color and reacts if touched, but day and night it lays flat and as I said I see pink tentacles on rocks that appear to have separated from it

Everything else in tank is normal, just did water change yesterday but no change in the anem, it did curl up a little during water change, but then flattened out again.

Now on thought is my Condy has gone missing, I am thinking they got into a fight, this one won and is now just battle tired
Its possible, I have seen nems try and completely eat other ones right in front of my face. I would also assume that if the nem was dying it would be showing signs a lot more rapidly than over 4 days.
That's a tough one. The only time mine does that (lays flat) is when I have turned off my Gyre and there isn't enough flow in the tank for him. I hope you figure it out Mark.
What are your parameters?

Is anything trying to eat it or otherwise irritate it?
