What's wrong with this chalice?


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I've had this stunner a few months now and it's been growing slowly.
Over the past 2 weeks it's gone from normal to this.

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What is it?
I figured the first step would be to check for bugs and frag off what's left so I pulled it.
No signs of any bugs or chewing marks. (I had some nudi's on a monti not long ago which I cured with a dip) When I pulled it though, I noticed immediately this fairly thick, clear slime. I can't see it at all, but it has the consistency of snot. Is that normal?
So, then I fragged off a piece and it seems really brittle in some spots and really floppy in others.
I don't know if that's normal. It seems like the floppy spots would be new growth, but I don't know.
The coral is about 4 inches across by 2.5 maybe. Pretty big.
All my water parameters are in normal range, I'm running LEDs, and dosing kalk. I've been battling hair algae since the beginning of time, so there's always some in there and I initially thought that's what was growing on there.
When this started, it was just brown, no white. The white is only showing through the dead spots now, so I don't think it's LED bleaching. Plus all my other corals have blown up with growth since I put the new LEDs on.
I put it in my post above, but all my tests are showing normal range including temp and salinity.
Have your parameters been consistent within "normal range"? I've experienced and seen from others that chalices are sensitive to swings. No way to tell from the info given but I would lean toward it not liking your water at the moment.
I only test every couple of weeks but no drastic swings. A while ago I had some issues with temp swings and lost some snails because of it but that's been cleared up with new equipment and like I said everything in my tank has been flourishing! Even the other SPS in there is growing like crazy. My green slimer is spreading off it's plug and both of my montis are enveloping the rocks around them.
If you want I'll take some pics of the tests I've done recently.
So you're saying my chalice coral is dying because I don't test often enough? Does it feel lonely?
Come on man, I'm looking for help here. Not snarky remarks from the peanut gallery.
What kind of numbers are we talking?
Mine has been between 9.5 and 9.9 since right after Christmas. It was in the high 7's before that. It's when I started the kalk so it's been stable since then.
Thanks for that answer leveldrummer.
Sounds and kind of looks like brown jelly. Could be a after effect of the temp drop. Iodine dip in that case wouldn't hurt.

How long ago did you put the leds on and how far away from the light is the chalice? Looks pretty bright.

I'm with level too, but not just alk spikes.....any type of swing and it makes chalices look like dookie.
I'll take some more pictures tomorrow, but I don't think it's brown jelly. From what I'm reading about it, I'm not seeing any "jelly", it just sort of looks like die off. Also, I was handling it, and there was no smell at all. Although if that's what it is, what should I do about it? My fear now, is letting it spread to other corals in my tank.
The lights have been on there about 6 weeks. They're a big step up from my old lights, and I've been keeping them low accordingly. The reason it looks bright in the pic is because I turn the whites way up and the blues almost off for pictures. If I took a picture under normal light, it just looks blue.
I kind of hope, it's just residuals from the temp swings or something.
Thanks, ringo.
If you had a swing in something that would definitely be a possibility. I've had it happen to me with big mature chalice. It died back from the edges and it lost most color going to a very pale brown with no eyes distinguishable. I thought it was too far gone but it came back completely. It took a couple of months to recover but since then is growing like mad. You may not ever really know what happened but if the issue is corrected it most likely will recover.