When do you do water changes?

Friday after noon every other week. I do it then because i am usually home from work by noon on fridays.
I started writing and had to do this:


The only benefit is that if something happens, it comes out of my sleep-time instead of my gym, school, work, or fun time. If I have to get an hour or two less sleep, I will be caught up by the following night.
My water changes these days are to replenish micronutrients and for other obscure purposes (such as using the dirty tank water for other projects). I’m not worried about nutrient control; as I test and log often at <1ppm... getting eaten up without accumulating.

However, I strongly recommend to beginners to get into the habit of doing small regular water changes once every week or so. I did 4-8 gallon changes for many years on my 80g; and it probably prevented a few disasters.
Wednesdays.... I work from home and do water changes either during lunch or as soon as I'm done working. Use to do them on the weekends, but with family activities, it was just too much. I fill my buckets with RODI on Tuesday evenings and mix the salt when I get up.
4 or 5 gallon water change on a 20 long every Sunday morning without fail. :) Its the only time in the week that I have someone to watch all of the children and I won't be interupted. :)
I do mine when I have time, scheduled maintenance is something I struggle with. I usually make time one weekend to do a water change, maybe this weekend....... Maybe

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