When does BTA split??


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I've had this BTA for like at least 2 or so months now--It's freakin' huge!! I haven't put a measuring tape on it or nothing-but I'd bet it has about a 12'' spread-?! I'd really like for it to split and not be so freakin' huge! I meanI like it and all, but this is rediculous-! LMK ya'lls thoughts-thanks
large WC coming tomorrow-not neccesarrily for this-but to combat newly growing cyano--I haven' thad that crap in over a year- :(
Xyzpdq0121;133321 wrote: Bring it to the feb meeting, we will split it for ya!

I would, but his "foot" is way back inmy rockwork-and I don't wanna pull him out--any suggestions?
Suggestions to get his foot out or suggestions to make him split?!?

To get his foot out, best way is to take the rock he is on out and lift his foot out of the water (with his top in the water) most of the time this will make him release.

To make him split. I have heard that one of the best ways is to feed him alot of about a week then do two massive water changes in a row. Google "BTA splitting" and there was the "proven" process somewhere. I just split them like a mushroom and be done with it, but it is not for the faint of heart.

We WERE looking for a BTA to slice up at the meeting but Bob can not make the meeting to bring a RBTA to us. So we ARE looking for one to slice and dice. ;)
I really hate to lose this one-he is like I said--HUGE!! He is kinda invasive on my other stuff now, though; I'll try feedings and google-and the WC is coming up--would 30% be enough??
i may have one but its small ...and i would rather it heal in another tank ill let you know hes been on the move so if i find him on the glass ill bring him but dont count on it a hundred percent
Nonetheless, I'd still like to see someone split one-and it live-!
Read http://www.carlosreef.com/AnemoneFAQ.pdf">Page 15...</a>

I can not find the really good step by step guide to doing it. Sorry...
cool-I think I'll try extra feedings and WC's--my tank needs it anyways; i'm not up to cutting it in half or anything, yet
12" is not really that big, that's more of a "medium" :). I had one RBTA that was 21" across. It ended up slitting into 4.

Be patient and treat it well and it will split. Mine seem to split on their own every 3 months. I'd prefer if they would stop as I end up breaking SPS everytime I have to pull one out.
FutureInterest;133352 wrote: 12" is not really that big, that's more of a "medium" :). I had one RBTA that was 21" across. It ended up slitting into 4.

Be patient and treat it well and it will split. Mine seem to split on their own every 3 months. I'd prefer if they would stop as I end up breaking SPS everytime I have to pull one out.

ok, I thought it was HUGE!! it just gets into my other corals and they can't get light and stuff--I'll give it a wait, and maybe try the feedings and def. the big WC--
Just curious on what everyone's thoughts are regarding why water changes might induce splitting? Replenishing trace elements that have depleted that much? I thought I read somewhere that sometimes stress will make them split so is the new water that different in parameters than the old?
I change my water rarely, perhaps every 2 - 3 months these days. I've never noticed a correlation between water changes and splitting. Mine just seem to split roughly at around every 3 months. I did go a 6 month period where there were no splits though.

The splitting process itself is dangerous on the BTA so they are more likely to split in reaction to stressors than otherwise.

From my observations of my RBTA and others BTAs it seems that temperature is one of the primary stressors that BTAs respond to by splitting. If your temperature spikes or falls rapidly your BTA may soon thereafter end up splitting. Perhaps this is why people have reported BTA's splitting after water changes as there is typically a rapid temperature fluctuation with most water changes...
I had two RBTA that were ~12-14" in diameter and stayed that way for ~1 yr before one of them split on its own.
Soo.... why do you want it to split? What's wrong with it being 12" across?