Where can I find an overflow box locally??


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Good morning fellow reefers:) I am in the process of building my new tank and was wondering if there is anyone local I can buy an overflow box from? I have the ability and tools to build one myself but would have to buy a full sheet of colored acrylic that I would have no use for the scrap. I am looking for a center overflow and design like the picture below. I can order one off ebay but like to help and keep the money local. Thanks for your time :up:

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Personally I'd just but it out f clear acrylic and just paint it with krylon fusion paint.
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px">Looking at the picture it looks like he wants an overflow wall inside of a tank not a Hang On Back over flow box. I can do one in clear. What size?</span></span>
Yea I have the acrylic to build it in clear and want the in tank overflow, eagle any chance you have some colored acrylic or I may just have to paint it like Mockery suggested..

Thanks for all the help!!