Where can I get...


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Check this link for answers to many of your "where can I get x ?" questions: http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1153">http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1153</a>

Also, the search tool will find turn up quite a few discussions and answers to common/popular questions.
I think it would be easier to search through, than if that particular thread reaches 10 or more pages. I would hate to dig through, and say I needed weldon, but I was hoping to find it other than that Lawrenceville location, I could ask in the weld-on thread instead of spending 20 min digging through that thread to not find what I wanted...just IMO, it would be easier and more helpful for everyone.
stickx911;205683 wrote: I think it would be easier to search through, than if that particular thread reaches 10 or more pages. I would hate to dig through, and say I needed weldon, but I was hoping to find it other than that Lawrenceville location, I could ask in the weld-on thread instead of spending 20 min digging through that thread to not find what I wanted...just IMO, it would be easier and more helpful for everyone.

This would be a good idea for the wiki (once it's back up and running), since an article there can be edited and updated whenever needed.

Thus, the *Where Can I Find _______* article could list each item in alphabetical order with locations on where you can find it. Then everytime someone found it at a new location, they could update the wiki.

You'd have something that looked like:

Found @ Main Street Fish Supply, 456 Maple St, Kennesaw 12/3/2007 - $4.19/4 oz
Found @ Pets R Us, 789 Water Street, Acworth 2/22/08 - $4.22/4 oz

Found @ ABC Supply, 123 Main Street, Lawrenceville 3/1/2008 - $2.19/10 oz
Found @ Acrylic Warehouse, 987 1st Street, Atlanta on 4/12/2008 - $2.22/10 oz
+1 on what stickx911 proposes.

Also working on my post buildup.
I'm looking to Change my "Current USA Outer Orbit Fixture, 3x250W HQI Metal Halide & 8X39W T5s, 72 inch" To LED for my 125g reef Tank . do you know where can i buy or can someone do custom build in Ga ?

Hey nmay,

If it were me I would do the wave, however a custom stand can run you something pretty expensive. You should first find out why is the seller swilling the tank? The wave in the acrylic is a pressure point. With that said fill it up with water see if it leaks.
i would use a regular stand. the short part of the wave would give you a small table to put stuff on.
Pretty sure the wave tank has been discontinued by the manufacturer. That's why you can't find a stand for it.

I went to petco website this am but it has been removed. I would assume that not enough sales
My name is Herbert Gonzalez, from Alabama. Been a member for more than five years. Been got all mess up trying to get back all my information is no longer in the Atlanta reef club. Also my club card got all mes up too. Use to sell stuff and now I can't do it because it say I am a New member. Also I have try to contact administrator and seems that the administrator is gone. Please can someone fix this problem.

Herbert A Gonzalez
Alabaster, Alabama:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay: