Where did my goby go?


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Ok guys i have had this goby for about 3 weeks, was doing fine (sleeper diamond goby) then i havent seen him in like 2 days now, he is not in his usuall hole i could move all my rock 65lbs in my 33 cube but that would cause more problems than the goby...has anyone else had this problem or is he just dead?
Most gobies constantly dig new holes so he could just be in a different one. Many gobies can disappear for weeks and show back up (ask Brandon). It is a bit unusual that a diamond would though. They are usually out front and center sifting sand and stirring things up. I would give it at least a week or so before you go hunting him.
just look on and around your floor just in case he decided to go carpet surfing. Other than that just wait it out.
Yes what cameron said , mine did the same thing. Now he is always front and center
Cameron;44716 wrote: Most gobies constantly dig new holes so he could just be in a different one. Many gobies can disappear for weeks and show back up (ask Brandon).
There's a bunch of fish and inverts that will pull this stunt. Every now and then I wish I could have a button that would fire off some kind of undersea R. Lee Ermey who would belt out a "Fall in, you maggots!! Sound off like you got a pair!" and I could see who's still around.

Stevhan sold me a gorgeous mated pair of gold banded coral shrimp. They almost immediately disappeared and were nowhere to be found a day later which I HATE having happen since there's no reason for it (no predators) unless it was just chance.

Sure enough, a week later they suddenly show up for feeding time and have been regulars at the table ever since with only a minor amount of squabbling over morsels with my peppermint shrimp.
are banded Corals compatible with peppermints? What about with Cleaners? I thought not, but I may be wrong??
