Where did you get your copepods?


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I’m looking at the online vendors for copepods and I can’t really pick one. Most have really mixed reviews. I’m not going to have anything that is reliant on copepods for food but I would like to introduce some. Just asking to see if anyone here has any recommendations. Thanks for the feedback!
I've never had to buy them, they just appear but I've also never had a copepod dependent fish in my tanks. I've had plenty o fish that eat them but they also eat prepared foods. If I were you, I'd go pick up a copepod brew from a LFS and see if you like it. I've always had luck with the Heisenberg Aquaculture stuff and they usually set up at out monthly meetings and are available online. I don't know exactly where they are located in GA but you might be able to pick some up directly from them. Regardless, I'd buy from them or a LFS.
I've only gotten mine from heisenberg locally. I know they're fresh as he grows them and brings them to our meetings.
They usually show up naturally as your tank matures. They hitch hike on rocks, corals, etc. If you don't have fish that actively depend on them for survival, it wouldn't be necessary to buy any. +1 on buying from a LFS so you know they're all alive and well.
Heisenberg is local and has some great pods at a great price.

I would avoid Algae Barn, based on mine and many others’ experiences.
Yeah i was to late in talking to @ActiveAngel about Algae Barn, i picked up some from them over the Friday sale that he were having and their 5280 blend definitely did not look like it had 5280 copepods. *facepalm* But they were alive and moving around didnt look like there was any die off either. So not a total negative experience but not what was expected.
Yeah i was to late in talking to @ActiveAngel about Algae Barn, i picked up some from them over the Friday sale that he were having and their 5280 blend definitely did not look like it had 5280 copepods. *facepalm* But they were alive and moving around didnt look like there was any die off either. So not a total negative experience but not what was expected.

Very happy to hear that it wasn't a totally bad turnout!

For reference, my 5280's probably had 500 or so pods (seemingly empty). And half of that number were dead on the bottom.
Ive used algae barn a bunch over the last 2-3 years and only had one order show up dead and it was replaced quickly. Now i order from heisenberg simply because it is local
I used Algae Barn once a couple years ago, before Heisenberg was around. I've also picked them up once from Atlanta Aquarium. I never bought them at any other time and my system was loaded with pods. They were everywhere. Tank, sump, frag tank, overflows, ATS. Hell I even saw them crawling near pump intakes.

Lately I haven't heard anything good about Algae Barn either. I'd go with Heisenberg, they're in Roswell and may allow you to pick up. If not ask when they'll be at a meet again.
I was considering algae barn and some small companies that mainly sell through eBay. I had good experiences with algeabarn in the past but that was 6+ years ago. I think I’m going to go with Heisenberg.
I was considering algae barn and some small companies that mainly sell through eBay. I had good experiences with algeabarn in the past but that was 6+ years ago. I think I’m going to go with Heisenberg.
You won't regret it. Kevin's the best!