Where is my clown?


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<span style="font-family: Arial;">In my 20g nano, for the last 6 month or so, I had a clown, cardinal and two damsels. Last week, I returned the damsels and got a small clown to pare my other one.</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;">I have been watching them closely to see if there is any rivalry and so far they seem ok. A lot of times I would see them swimming together. Other times they don’t seem to mind each other.</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;">Today, I came back from work and realized that my new clown is gone… I took a strong flashlight and looked between the rocks but couldn’t see anything. I didn’t attempt to move the rocks fearing they will start collapsing and crash my corrals. </span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;">There is about 2 inch gap on the back of my, so I thought maybe he could have jumped and searched the floor as well. Couldn’t find him…</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;"> </span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;">Where is my clown???</span>
That is a good riddle. I wouldn't worry at all yet. I lost my Blue Tang for a week and then she just came out and swam around normally. I think he is just hiding. Do you have a brittle star or any large hermits?
Maroons15;35873 wrote: I think he is just hiding. Do you have a brittle star or any large hermits?

<span style="font-family: Arial;">Nothing big really. I have 3 small hermits, 4 Astraea snails, 6 black (Cerith I think) snails and a flower anemone. No star.</span>
<span style="font-family: Arial;">And BTY, he was fine the whole week. Why would he decide to start hiding only now?</span>
I have no idea, I don't know why my tang did. The two clowns might have gotten into a fight and he is scared. What type of clowns?
check around your tank to see if it a jumper.
all fish are known to jump. Even the big mean 1

I hope it just hid
If it's a nanocube, Aquapod, or Biocube, check in the back chambers. I had a royal gramma jump back there once.
I had a false perc jump in my overflow once. I am sure you have probably looked...but if mine was in there, there is a possibility yours could have jumped as well.
Send in the clowns.... don't worry... they're here........

Sorry I couldn't resist. Did the clown reappear?
<span style="font-family: Arial;">The clown is still MIA. I don’t have an overflow or a nanocube. It’s a regular 20g tall tank. There’s nowhere for him to go… only scenario I can think off is that he jumped and my cat ate him.:sad: </span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Update: it&#8217;s been 4 days and my clown is nowhere to be seen. I&#8217;ve tested Ammonia today and got 0.25. </span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Everybody in my tank (corals and fish) are happy except my Colt. He&#8217;s slumped and distressed.</span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"> </span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Do I need to search for the clown in case he&#8217;s dead somewhere? I would think the ammonia spike would be higher&#8230;</span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Or do I perform a big water change?</span>
You either need to find what's left of him and do a water change or be prepared to do a couple water change over the next few days to keep the ammonia down. Are your snails and hermits visible or do they seem to be hiding also?
Yes, I second AJ. I had the same thing happen to a Royal Gramma in my nano- caused my Colt to go, and crashed my tank. I'd do a large water change and look for the carcass.
<span style="font-family: Arial;">The snails and hermits are in and out. Nothing out of the ordinary. I would think that they would be feasting on the poor clown&#8230;</span>
It could very well be the cat too if you think that's the cause. If there's room under your cabinets, I'd check under there too. One of my wrasse recently made the jump for the hardwood floor and I didn't find him until a few days too late.