Where to get black eggcrate?


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I used to have some of this stuff that I special ordered from a plastics company over the internet. But that was such a pain (i.e. broken plastic) that I much rather buy local. Any one know of a place I may purchase locally?
Have only found the place on the internet but the price is kinda steep.

Some people expressed an interest in sharing the cost.

Somewhere there is a thread on here about it.

Linda can find it in a snap I bet..........as for me........I'm far too lazy to look.
Just buy the regular and paint it with Krylon fusion. If you take your time it should turn out fine.
Matter of fact, this is where I got it the first time. The first shipment arrived in a million pieces. The replacement shipment arrived in several pieces. Fortunately one of the Pieces was big enough for my purpose so I made due.

Hummmm, but look at that GOLD egg crate! I could take my tank disco.