Which powerhead for a 120 gallon?


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Im about to get new powerheads for xmas and I would like opinions and experiences on the tunze nanostream 6025 or seio 620 or koralia 2 or 3. Its for my 120 reef and I will be getting them from aquabuys. I want to know which is best.:yay:
I would not buy a Nanostream. I've had a good number fall apart on me. Broken clips, broken arms, unit coming apart in two. Cameron will probably tell you the same thing.

I like the Koralias, they're an great Tunze alternative. I haven't broken on yet.
I agree on the tunze nanostream the face does tend to come off but its not that bad. On the plus side you can do a very easy mod to the tunze to bump the GPH up!
just aout of curiosity for such a large tank why re you looking at small PH's? I would consider 2 Koralia 4's.

Only issue I have heard about with the Koralia's is that you cant run them on wave makers.
I didn't like my nanostream. It was not worth the money. I now use koralias and have been very happy with them.
I traded my Koralia for the nanostream and like it so much, I bought a second. They recently desinged the clamp that hold the pump, so broken clamps wont be the problem they used to be.

I moded my first 6025, and wrote a thread discussing the incredible increase in flow I acheived.

I'd go with the nanos.... actually in a 120g , I'd go with the 6060, but thats just me.
I have a 120 and I use 4 6025's modded out. Like as stated above, Tunze re-developed the clamp that holds the pump, so it is more sturdy and durable. There are plenty of mods that can be done to this powerhead to increase flow and the flow pattern. I don't like the Koralia's b/c they are alot longer than the nano's. Think of beer can size, as opposed to tennis ball size. I went through this debate before I bought mine and I am extremely happy with my purchases. As long as you have a Dremel and some DIY skill, the mods are extremely easy and very effective.

If I were you, I would go with 4 nano 6025's. Plus, you can't be the customer service you receive from Tunze. I have had some problems with the old style clamps and I emailed Tunze and they shipped me 4 of the re-designed clamps, didn't charge me a penny and never asked for proof that I owned them. The best customer service in the biz, as far as I am concerned. Also, don't be concerned about too much flow. The nano's flow is a gentle, wide flow, so 4 would be perfect, at least it is in my 120.
yes tunze have since beefed up there holders, clamps, whatever you wanna call them. I had 2 fall apart on me and they sent me 2 new ones free of charge.
I have broken 3 Tunzes so far. The Koralias are little tanks and put out more water than my 6045s by a good 20 or 30%. They are also cheaper. I agree they are a bit longer and they are not as flexible on the mounting, but aside from that they are absolutely terrific pumps and I recommend them without hesitation. I won't own another Tunze until I know they have fixed all the problems I have had with them.

I would also recommend the modded MaxiJets if you don't mind the look of them. The new packaged mod kits put out some serious flow and they aren't any bigger than the Koralias.
as I understand there is really no such thing as too much flow....given your corals are all placed correctly in relation to the flow.
There is... A heavily modded Maxijet jammed one of my overflows because it pushed so much water from one side to the other that the overflow became overloaded and couldn't drain fast enough. Also on full speed with the Vortechs, it picks up my very large and fairly heavy scroll and moves it. Aside from those two problems, you are right I have never heard of too much flow at least in an LPS/SPS tank.