Which sizr koalia for 46g


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Well I finally got the rest of my equipment for my 46g bow front. I bought 2 koralia 2's and really am not impressed with the flow.

Do you think the koralia 2's will be enough power forsome anemone's and soft corals?

After putting my hand in front of them I feel like I may need double the power, but I am not sure if it will be too much.

Thanks for the help.
jade76;197580 wrote: ros....that sounds about right.

Well I put the sand in today, and now I feel a little better about the movement. It just barely moves the surface of the sand.

now I am having some micro bubble problems...

I am using a filter sock for mechanical filtration and a filter soponge on the intake side of the mag 7 return pump. I really don't know why its like that.

check it out...

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As you can see it's very hard to see through the tank. The sand has been in the tank since 8 am and it was thoroghly rinsed before hand so it isn't cloudiness from the sand.

I don't know why I can't get it to show upright.:confused2:

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