Which Skimmer?


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I've got two different skimmers on hand and I'm still undecided on which to use. I initially purchased a Reef Octopus SRO 2000 Int for my tank. From the start the skimmer was a PITA, not in terms of performance which was great, but it was so big. It was difficult getting filter socks in and out of the sump chamber. The other skimmer is a Bubble Magus NAC5E HOB skimmer. I purchased it for my 36g tank and was very frustrated by this skimmer being very inconsistent with actual skimming, which I contribute to it being oversized for the tank and the tank being, IMO, lightly stocked. I took the SRO out to sell and stuck the BM in and to my surprise has been doing very well. I know the BM doesn't use the best pump, especially compared to the Bubble Blaster. The BM is also pretty large since it's meant to be a HOB skimmer but fits nicely in the second chamber of my sump w/o a stand.

While the SRO was on my tank it did reasonably well for a 90g DT + 18g sump with a hand full of corals and two fish. I know there is room to grow with this skimmer as I stock my tank.
This was it just after being turned on
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I took this picture this evening of the BM skimmate. I cleaned the cup on on Saturday. I think it's pulling more junk now since HA is dying off. The only problem with this skimmer is I don't know how long term it will last. I can't seem to find many reviews on the web of them and the ones I do see are on smaller, 40-60g, tank
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So which skimmer would you run.
The Bubble Magnus for sure. The hassle factor of Reef Octopus isn't worth it.
That is your skimmate in 2-3 days? Man that's crazy, I can't get my skimmer (Reef Octopus NW150) to pull anything like that. Looks like you are running it pretty dry?
That skimmate was much more wet since I added purigen and matrix to my tank. The neck was cakes with a mud like gunk that I had to scrape out.
I have a bubble magnus in sump skimmer on my 58g w/ 20g sump, and I love it. It pulls the nasties out very nicely. I would say that if the bubble magnus is pulling more stuff out than the Reef Octo, then I would stick with it. The less nutrients in the tank the faster you'll rid yourself of the HA.

P.S. I am telling you man, get a couple emerald crabs to help with the hair algae. They will graze on that stuff all day.
I would stick with the RO unless you're planning on not adding any more than 2 fish.