White coralline algae?


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I just noticed that many rocks in my tank turned white. I am talking "White Out" white in some areas. I cannot really tell if the coralline algae have peeled or is "white" coralline algae growing on top. Yesterday I dosed iodine and magnesium. Any ideas? Should I be concerned? Most of the corals look good aside from a GSP that have been hiding for almost two days. I will be cheking parameters in a few minutes. Thanks!
I have noticed several times after dosing Mag that when my actincs come on that my rocks appear to whiten up and within several days I see noticable corraline growth. I hope this what you are experiencing.
My MH lighting made my coraline white, just fyi.

if the inhabitants in the tank are happy, I wouldn't sweat it
I am wondering what kind of iodine was used -- was it the "dip" kind of iodine like lugol's, or was it a kind specifically formulated for use as an additive for reef tanks?

I remember reading an article where a guy tried to supplement Xenia with iodine and used a type of iodine like Lugol's (this was in the early days of Xenia) and was consistently killing them. He had heard that iodine was good for Xenia and ended up using the wrong kind.

The GSP hiding can be a sign that the water chemistry is "off" -- did it come out yet?

Did the coralline turn white overnight, or was it gradual? If it was gradual, it's probably a sign that your calcium/alkalinity is low. -- In my experience, if you let those get too low, then the coralline will start dying off and turning white. If it was sudden, I would suspect the dosing.
I'm with everyone else here. IMH experience when I let my alk and calc drop I saw my coraline turn white.
