White splatter marks in tank....


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I have a 14 gallon biocube that has been fully cycled. I have 1 clown, 4 damsels, a few hermit crabs, 3 snails, 2 sexy shrimp, 10-15 pounds of live rock, 1.5-2 inches of live sand, and a star fish (has long legs and a small body..I don't know what kind it is though). A few days ago, I purchased a skimmer (specifically for the biocube) and an UV light. Since purchasing these, my nitrates have dropped (they are now around 40 [from 60], which I know is a bit high, and are still dropping). My PH is 8.0 and climbing (I want to try to obtain 8.3). My other readings are fine.

My problem is that since adding the new equipment, I have began to notice small white specs that look like splattered paint randomly placed across the back of my tank; primarily near the intake filters. I have not noticed any marks on my fish or other livestock and everyone is eating and acting "normal". Should I be concerned with these marks? Thank you!
It could be any number of things really. Pics would be very helpful but chances are it's nothing to worry about. And, don't spend a lot of time "chasing" a pH of 8.3. If your system is stable and the occupants happy ay 8.0 then it will be fine.

***Mods might want to move this to reef discussion***
Sounds like the beginnings of coraline algae, or nerite snail eggs. Pic would help.
Thank you all for the quick responses! The marks are well below the water line; I will try to post pictures tomorrow; I had some camera issues today. :sad:
Its most likely snail eggs,but like hackman said it could be a number of things.
First thing I thought was coraline algae. It'll show up as white first, then as it grows more it'll turn purple. Could be snail eggs, though. When I first set my system up, the first things to start growing on the glass were these tiny little fan worms that formed circles with their tube-bodies.
Okay, here are the pictures I've been trying to post of these specs in my tank; as you can see, I am having a little bit of an algea problem along the back of the tank but, it has cleared up significantly over the past 3-4 days! I hope these pictures actually load; I had to reformat them. IF these are snail eggs, is there anything I can do to help ensure their survival? I'm VERY new to all of this...
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Without a doubt, snail eggs. Not sure if you can or need to do anything to help them, I'm pretty sure if you disturb them, they'll get damaged.
Thank you! I'll have to do some homework on how and if I can help them. :)
If you find out, let me know. I just know I'll wake up and the eggs will be gone, then a month or so latter, I've got more snails.