White Spot


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One of my fish (green clown goby) has developed white spot. I have been unsuccessful in getting him out of the tank as he quickly dives into the rock work.

I hear that UV can help prevent the spread of white spot. Does anyone Have a UV sterilizer I would rent or borrow?

Any other suggestions I really don’t want it to spread to my other fish.
I understand that UV is preventative, but won’t treat once it’s on the fish. Ive seen UV systems for sale on this site. I’ve also seen some talk about getting cleaner shrimps to literally clean the fish and remove white spots. Hope you find a solution.
White spots can be several different things. Do you have a photo? If it is Ich or Velvet, you should go to a website like Humblefish or R2R and look at protocols for managing vs. eradicating the parasite in question. UV alone will not do anything.

First step is identifying the issue. Do you have a photo?
White spots can be several different things. Do you have a photo? If it is Ich or Velvet, you should go to a website like Humblefish or R2R and look at protocols for managing vs. eradicating the parasite in question. UV alone will not do anything.

First step is identifying the issue. Do you have a photo?
Thanks, I will take a look at trying to ID it first. If I can get a picture I will post it hear. The LED lights make it very hard to get a good clean non over blue picture.