White Worms

Can you expand on that question? What kind of white worms are you referring to, feather duster's?
A bunch of years ago, I remember reading a post by Paul B crediting his success with difficult fish to feeding live worms such as black worms and white worms. I've been meaning to start a culture, but I never got around to it until now. I have a pretty chilly utility room that would work great for culturing these worms. I just need a starter batch to begin with.
Haven't heard of white worms, maybe Blood worms? Picky fish love copods, amphipods. Look it up, it maybe what your thinking.
They're not exactly a worm but very desirable and beneficial for all our saltwater tanks.
I have a leopard wrasse and rainfords goby that pretty much destroy the pod population. Only the largest gammarus amphipods survive. The Leopard wrasse loves blood worms, but those are beetle larvae which are not really good for marine fish.

If you have time, check out this