Who is the culprit - moving frag discs


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I think I might know the answer. I mentioned before that when I was on vacation, every frag disc that was on a rock, was moved off the rocks, flipped upside down or just downright moved. I've only had this tank for 3 weeks but it came loaded with two smallish clowns, a strawberry crab, a pistol shrimp, a peppermint shrimp and a lanky starfish (don't know what kind but it's not a brittle star).

Got all the discs back into place and this morning, I find them in disarray again and one ricordia on a rock has been moved into a big rock stack.

I think it's the strawberry crab. There are no turbos to be knocking stuff off. What say you?
figured strawberries to be nocturnal.

my vote is the star. however ive seen some neurotic crabs.
Good to know. I haven't seen the little dude since I got the tank but I hear him popping several times a day.
+1 on the pistol shrimp. Mine redecorates constantly. I can't leave any frags or small corals near any of the openings to his burrows. He only moves things around at night, though. This could be the case with yours, too!
On the rocks I'd say the crab. If they were on the sand I'd say the pistol. Pistols usually stay pretty close to their burrow.

Total chaos again this morning and had to wrestle a frag plug from the crab. Grrrr.
Unlocked frags or unglued frags can be expensive sometimes, I had a crab that was doing the same in my tank, first victim was an sps stick, unfortunately he landed on top of my Duncan colony, few days later : dead.
The other was a chalice frag, he bumped that into another colony, the chalice got burned all in one side but then after a few weeks he recovery.
Turned on the light at 5:30am. Yep, it's the strawberry. Caught him trying to cut a mushroom off of a plug. Everything in disarray. If I can catch the booger, he will live somewhere else. Anyone want him?