Whose been able to stay on budget?


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Out of curiosity, has anyone gone into planning a build and actually stayed on budget? My wife and I, god bless her patience, put a number on what we thought would be very reasonable amount into my build. We planned on a budget that we assumed would be able to buy everything we ( I wanted lol) wanted new. So I should have had plenty of headway if I picked up something at a good deal second hand. I have reached and passed that budget and still have so much more left to buy. It literally just starts with “ oh for a few hundred more I can upgrade to this”… now I’m close to doubling what I wanted to spend with no light ordered yet…
Saltwater reef tank and budget in the same sentence. That’s really funny.
No Way Do Not Want GIF
Always double within the first 6 months. I usually manage to stay on budget for the initial setup, but then quickly find things that need added or changed and it skyrockets.
Always double within the first 6 months. I usually manage to stay on budget for the initial setup, but then quickly find things that need added or changed and it skyrockets.
I don’t even have water in tank yet and it’s elevated. I love that my wife just says “ get what you need and worry about it later”. I’m sure she wants something but it’s awesome to get support and not have to hide things.
I mean... no. I've stuck to budgets on computer builds, but tanks are fluid and ever changing.
One may always add equipment in the 1st year or two as the tank progresses....my 1st tank (lifetime ago) was almost all natural (only live rock & tiny protein skimmer & heater & VHO florescent lights & Kalcw). The Jan 2023 new operation is higher tech...adding various equipment systems every few months....Most "additions" were playing with processes to simplify management....no rush....so many different methods...kind of a pay as one goes...with joy....(one often has a system in a state of careful neglect)...