Why is my Acan changing colors?


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Sandy Springs
I've had it for 3 months and just noticed
A few days ago that 2 of the new heads are
Growing in new colors. Before it was just
Red and blue basically, but now it's added orange
Yellow and green. Anyone know why?
Sometime new growth that isn't getting full light will have different colors. I've noticed it from my red/orange acans.
Side note, it may just be the angle, but that Chalice looks dangerously close to the acan. The sweeper tentacles on those could kill it if they're within reach.
Acans will usually turn orange if they don't love their lighting situation
kylebolch;1005503 wrote: I've had it for 3 months and just noticed
A few days ago that 2 of the new heads are
Growing in new colors. Before it was just
Red and blue basically, but now it's added orange
Yellow and green. Anyone know why?

LED's change the color in Acans. Usually blues fade away.
Is it a rainbow acan? When I first started keeping rainbow acans I left them on my sand bed getting full light and they only had 2 maybe 3 colors. As the tank started getting filled up with more corals things got moved around and some of the acans started to get shaded, to my surprise more colors began to show with a lot of contrast bw them and they looked awesome...maybe give it a lil more shade if you can to see if more colors come out...just a thought