Wierd fuzz around Java fern windelov

Yes that’s what I was thinking but I clean it and then it comes back so quickly. This is the whole tank. I’m only having algae issues with the one in the back.


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Oh ok. Thx for the help. I am using seachem flourish at the moment but will definitely look into using excel. Thank you so much everyone for the help.

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Excel does a great job of preventing this but it requires doing some manual removal. I would take one of those tiny spray bottles from Target's airplane bottle section and fill it with hydrogen peroxide. Pull the plants out and pluck as much of the algae off. Use a paper towel to wipe as much of it off as possible. Then spray with hydrogen peroxide and let sit for 15-30 seconds. Dip to rinse in old tank water after a water change and then replant into the tank.