Will a Rock Anemone eat a Yellow clown Goby?


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I picked up a Yellow Clown Goby, and over the past week and a half he always has the coral munchies. He was even eating a Hammer Coral! So he got moved into his own little tank today. I was trying to think of things I could add that he wouldn’t eat. Iv never had a Rock Anemone. Would a Rock Anemone eat the Yellow Clown Goby? Any suggestions. His little tank needs some color.
I've never known my rock flower's to eat any fish but they sure can fold up quick when I hit them with some mysis. I don't have anything that small and I suppose it would be possible if the goby settled right in the center but goby's are pretty quick little buggers and I think it would be able to get away. I have a friend that keeps two mandarins in with his 2 rock flowers and hasn't had any issues. I wouldn't hesitate to add a rock flower if I were you. That being said, I'd also tell you a Yellow Clown Goby's reef safe but there are always the exceptions.
I have had clown gobys in with Rock flower nems before and never had an issue at all. Some of mine were quite large too.
I vote two thumbs up for rock anemones; especially if you can find a beautiful one! I’ve never seen them sting/kill a fish; however...

There was 4 back to back instances where healthy wrasses (all strong swimming fish) were found dead after their first night, laying on/beside the rock flowers at my old LFS. Meanwhile, all other wrasses from the same shipment that were acclimated to other tanks (some plumbed in the same system) were all fine. That is fairly probable suspicion for the rock flower Nems killing them.

Moral of the story; you can never trust an anemone. That said; I still recommend them and have 14 rock flower nems in my nano alone.
I've had a rock nem kill a fish. It was a copperband that was otherwise doing quite well in my coral qt tank for weeks. Found the poor fish head down in the nem past his gills... that rock nem was truly ambitious. Most fish are smart enough to steer clear. This one was not... :(
It may end up a survival of the fittest tank then lol. All my a$$holes that eat coral or fish may end up in here ‍♀️ My Yellow Clown Goby is kinda cute though so I’m routing for a chill Nem. I’ll try to find little ones.
I had a yellow coris wrasse that was "disabled" - I think he broke his back at some point because he couldn't move the back 1/3 of his body. He survived just fine, ate well and all that for probably 6 months.

I did see him bump into one of my RFAs - got stuck, the RFA was definatly closing in around him. The wrasse was able to break free after several seconds. I was just about to reach in and attempt a rescue when he managed to get loose..

Moral - IMO RFAs will do their best to kill / eat a fish if given the opportunity, I do think most healthy fish could probably break free of RFAs if they get caught by their tail or a fin. If my wrasse been grabbed by his head I'm sure he would have been gone.
I came down one morning to see my RFA all closed up like I’d just fed him. When I looked more closely, I saw a “little stick” poking out the top of his tentacles. Realized he was trying to eat my new tiny horseshoe crab. Since the crab was mostly all shell and he could tuck his legs up, the RFA wasn’t having much luck. I used the turkey blow him open enough to very carefully pull the crab out by his tail. Both were fine. I think the horseshoe crab got caught in the current and just landed right on the RFA who must have thought this a gift and he should eat it.

BTW, before anyone asks: DO NOT buy a Horseshoe Crab for your REEF tank! Not even if the kid at the LFS says “he’ll be fine” and that he will “just hang out at the bottom and sift around in your sand.” A Horseshoe Crab in a reef tank is kind of like an underwater kite that has broken its string. Every time he came out from under the sand, if he walked into an area with even modest flow, up he’d go, into the water column, tumbling around like a piece of flake food until I rescued him or he landed somewhere he could cling on to.