will a six line eat a cleaner shrimp

I just found this...

I have peps and a cleaner shrimp in the same tank as my 6LW and he's never shown an interest in them; he's very fat 'n happy though. Maybe if he missed a few meals, he might start looking at the shrimp as dinner.
well i have two the one that eat the shrimp was in the nano so maybe not enough room but i just dont see myself buying a 15 dollar meal for it it was just a though worst case ill get rid of the 6line
I think the size of the animals makes a big difference, try to get a shrimp much larger than the sixline. Also don't introduce the shrimp in a way that makes it look like food, put it in the tank after lights out so the fish won't key in on it before the shrimp can get comfy. If you can remove your fish for a few days while introducing the shrimp that would be ideal.

There is also no guarantee in the animal world and once that shrimp hits the water there isn't much you can do. Here is a shot of my Mystery Wrasse with my recently added cleaner shrimp, little jerk.

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Odd, I can't seem to edit my post. Here are the pics again.

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My six line devoured a large cleaner shrimp in my nano a while back. I believe the shrimp was molting, which probably made it a lot more vulnerable...
Yah excellent picture.

The lined wrasses which include all Pseudocheilinus are the most aggressive of the "reef safe" wrasses. This does include the six-line, mystery, four-line, secretive, etc etc. There is still a lot of diversity in personality though, so some are just fine others obviously are not...
At first I was wondering where the shrimp was...but oh my.

Beautiful fish though.

willtel;99705 wrote: I think the size of the animals makes a big difference, try to get a shrimp much larger than the sixline. Also don't introduce the shrimp in a way that makes it look like food, put it in the tank after lights out so the fish won't key in on it before the shrimp can get comfy. If you can remove your fish for a few days while introducing the shrimp that would be ideal.

There is also no guarantee in the animal world and once that shrimp hits the water there isn't much you can do. Here is a shot of my Mystery Wrasse with my recently added cleaner shrimp, little jerk.

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I have a sixline and a fire shrimp. My fireshrimp is doing fine. Granted, they've only been together for 4 months but I hope he doesn't eat my fire shrimp for his sake.