will adding a sand bed to my tank make a cycle?


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i have a 25 gallon long tank.
I have talked about switching out tanks but right now just probably isnt doable. Its a bare bottom tank, i dont really like the barebottom look anymore. If i add live sand, will it cause a cycle?
Are you talking about "bagged live sand" or sand out of existing system? IMO the best way to go is fresh dry sand and seed with sand out of existing system.
it sounds like you've got an established tank in your 25L, is that correct?

if so, as long as you're adding cycled sand from an established tank to your system you should be ok.. (I would think)
If dry/new sand, minimize risk - don't add it all at once. Add it sparingly over the course of a month or so with frequent water changes.

If existing sand and fully established, you'll be introducing who knows what into your system but it should be ok. Just do frequent water changes to make sure.
...and if the sand is new and dry make sure you rinse it very, very well before adding it to an existing system.
im going to do what chris said. Add some dry sand over a period of time and then add some live sand.
Im not looking for a DEEP sand bed. just a nice one.
thanks for the advice.

Chris i need to come by and get one of those acrylic scrapers from you. I think julie said yall have some in stock.