Will adding cured live rock cause a cycle?


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I have a 3 gal tank that has been set up since last summer. I am not happy with the look of my live rock and was thinking of picking up a piece or two from Cap Bay. Will this cause a cycle or mini cycle? I believe their rock is fully cured. I have some zoos, xenia, ricordia, candycane, yellow polyps, and some metallic "star like" polyps.

I will probably pick it up today and take one or two of the old rocks out.


If you get the rock in there ASAP, the cycle should be light if at all. You gotta think though, if the rock has sponge or anything, it will cause some die off just from hitting the air. To give you an idea, I pulled out the rock from my tank to capture some fish and redo the rockscape, the rock was out an hour if that and I got a mini cycle. Nothing that the corals in my 55 could not handle though.

So short answer, yes you prob will have some small cycle wether it tests out that way or not.
How big is your sump? haha... just kidding. I would be very cautious of adding LR to a tank that small with corals already in your tank. Since the volume of water is so tiny even a little die back or anything "uncured" on the rock can cause a cycle or as you used the term "minicycle". One option would be to place the LR you buy in a tub or seperate aquarium and test it periodically to see if it is going to experience any cycle. If none then you can be assured that there will be no cycle at all when you transfer the rock to your established tank. :)
Thanks. I was thinking about putting it in a 5 gal bucket with a minijet for a few days to see if anything happens. Maybe I will just skip it and let everything just grow out to cover it.

Sounds like yet another excuse for getting that larger tank!
ReeferJW wrote: Thanks. I was thinking about putting it in a 5 gal bucket with a minijet for a few days to see if anything happens. Maybe I will just skip it and let everything just grow out to cover it.

Sounds like yet another excuse for getting that larger tank!

I think that's a great idea. stick it in a bucket (I would do a water change and use the "old" tank water"). remove anything dieing and watch levels for at least a week. If nothing, drop it in.
If you have a sealable cover for your 5 gallon bucket (from the salts), I would fill it with some of your water and maybe some salt water from capp bay and just transport the rocks home while in water. Since you won't be buying a ton for a 3 gallon tank, that should minimize the die off during your drive home.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I have decided against more rock as my stock pump died unexpectantly. I unplugged it to clean it and do a water change, then plugged it back in and nothing...

Luckily, it was 8:30 and Petsmart is open till 9. Picked up an AC to replace it, so I am leaving everything alone for now (keeping my hands out the tank!). The good part is that I have more flow and better filtration with purigen and filter floss.