Will encrusted stylo grow back?


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I got two of these from Brett. Over the winter the piece that was growing like crazy at home died after a ph crash. My house is too air tight and my ph plummeted after I ran the gas fireplace for a couple of hours. This one is in my 5g in my office at work and I was considering taking it home. It has encrusted over the rock I laid it on. Will it tear when I take if off and will that skeleton-less encrusted part grow back?

I don't remember exactly when I got this, I'm sure Brett or I could figure that out. It's probably been 6 months or so. This piece has doubled in size in this 5g that I do nothing with really except water changes. I use the stock Fluval LED. The one at home in my 93g at least tripled under better lights and in water I actually test and manage.

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The part with polyps (whether encrusted or branching) is part of the skeleton. If there are no polyps like on the base that part is dead. If you cut it and leave a piece that has polyps on the rock and take another piece with you to other tank it will keep growing.

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The polyps have completely encrusted the frag plug and have also started encrusting over the rock that it's laying over. If I pick up the frag plug, will the polyps that have grown down on to the rock tear off and stay on the rock? I guess it's kind of hard to see in the pic, but the part that appears soft to me, and not part of the thick, bony skeleton is encrusting over the rock like it is over the plug.

So I can remove it from where it's at, which to me seems like it will leave some of the polyps on the live rock and it will survive there, while I take the main piece to another tank?
As long as there are polyps it should survive. Since it is an SPS it should clean break away and leave what's on the rock. From the look of it, I would break/cut at the stem part above the plug to not disturb the base and give it more to grow from in that tank. But agreed hard to see where the plug/base area is in pic

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The plug is on the bottom left outlined in black. I laid it on that rock. I want to take the majority of it, including the plug, home. It seems like what has encrusted over the rock, outlined in red, will tear apart from the bigger piece and stay on the rock.
Why not just break the upper piece off and leave the rest? Looks like that section that juts off towards one o'clock has a nice stalk for gluing to a new plug.
I agree with Brandon. Looks like Pocillipora to me. Pocillipora damicornis.

That stuff grows like a weed and will even spawn occasionally. The polyps won't regrow over the dead tissue.
