Will I need a Chiller?


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I'm still pulling the pieces of my tank together -- lighting is my next big decision.

Tank is 72" long and 23" deep -- I guess the standard All-Glass 125g.

Do you think I'll need a chiller if I use 3x175 watt MH lights with 4x96 watt PCs? I'm assuming the light fixture will be about 5 to 6 inches above the water surface. What if the MH's are 250's or 400's?

The room is air conditioned -- but it still gets warm in the summer.

I'm running a similar setup on my 135--so, my guess is no--but--it all depends on a few things-
what kind of return pump you're using-
and if you keep the lid off or on--keeping the lid off will allow for the water to cool a little easier than if it were on-If you go up to 250's or 400's, my guess would be yes, but maybe if you could get a bigger sump would be your solution (if you have room for one)
The sump will be a LifeReef set up that is about 40 inches long -- 65 total with the skimmer and pump

I don't think I'll put the glass top on since my understanding is that it traps heat and reduces the exchange of oxygen

I am leaning toward the 3x175 MH with PCs since I don't think they will generate too much heat -- especially compared to the 400's.

Thanks for your experience.

I would put a fan or two in the sump to cool the water if needed before getting a chiller. Ummmmm, lets see $16 bucks for fans vs. $700 for a chiller. Ya the fans win in my book hands down.
Xyzpdq0121;128561 wrote: I would put a fan or two in the sump to cool the water if needed before getting a chiller. Ummmmm, lets see $16 bucks for fans vs. $700 for a chiller. Ya the fans win in my book hands down.

not to mention the savings on your power bill
My 125 has 3 250's and 2 39w T-5's, all pumps external except a couple PH's and my skimmer pump. I don't use a chiller but have 2 fans in my canopy that push 230cfm each. Plus I run my AC all summer long! Jackson EMC loves me!!!
You guys crack me up -- :yes:

I'll only have the skimmer pump and PHs in the tank itself -- so, perhaps with fans in the sump -- fans on top -- fans on the sides -- fans underneath -- my wife waving palm branches, etc. I don't need no stink'n chiller :boo:

Thanks for the follow up!


Hey, I read about a cheap chiller idea -- buy a canister filter -- make it last in the water flow -- put it in an ice bucket filled with ice half way up -- a stop-gap in the summer
the wife waving the palm branches might just heat it up too much. I'm seeing hoola skirt...... the fans should be ok with the 175's but it kinda depends on how cold you keep your ac.